Created by Ken Harrower, Erin Brandenburg, Johnny Spence and the Flin Flon Cowboy Collective
A Flin Flon Cowboy Collective & Theatre Passe Muraille Co-Production in Association with Why Not Theatre
Country music and Queer Crip Love. Freedom and Fetishes. Consent and Accountability. A rebel outlaw bursts out of institutional confines on the prairies to find a new home in the big city. Ken Harrower croons original tunes alongside a live country band revealing his real life story of … view more »
Created by Ken Harrower, Erin Brandenburg, Johnny Spence and the Flin Flon Cowboy Collective
A Flin Flon Cowboy Collective & Theatre Passe Muraille Co-Production in Association with Why Not Theatre
Country music and Queer Crip Love. Freedom and Fetishes. Consent and Accountability. A rebel outlaw bursts out of institutional confines on the prairies to find a new home in the big city. Ken Harrower croons original tunes alongside a live country band revealing his real life story of self-discovery and defiance.
The Flin Flon Cowboy is a new autobiographical musical that chronicles the extraordinary life of Ken Harrower, a gay disabled artist and singer. Set to the sounds of original country music, Ken‘s story begins in the enigmatic town of Flin Flon, Manitoba, and unfolds through his harrowing experiences as a child with a disability in Winnipeg’s foster care system. Defying expectations and refusing to submit to life in an institution, Ken escapes the prairies and embarks on a journey to find connection and belonging in Toronto’s vibrant gay community.
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