“Not A Cult”, set in the iconic early 80s, takes place at ReJoyce Camp Retreat for the depressed, the troubled, and the downtrodden. In the rising culture of “good vibes” and “wellness”, our leader Joy has created a method of helping those in need with her unique and slightly controversial program. We find our misfits here, bringing their own sinful pasts and stories with them. Will they conform? Will they fall in love? Will they die an untimely death? You’ll have to come see the show to find out.
This show has everything! Comedy, slasher horror, sunshine, aerobics, love, love bombing, a crazy mystery woman, and tonnes of JOY!Join us at Alumnae Theatre’s Mainspace from November 6th to November 10th for 80s pop, camp, and definitely, certainly, not a cult.
Director: Mallary Davenport
Music Director: Quinton Naughton
Stage Manager: Zahra Esmail
Producers: Melly Magrath, Caitlin Turner
Bebe Brunjes, José Andrés Bordas,Jim Kelly, Caitlyn Lopez-Howie, Jamie Rice
Mauranda Nunes, April Rebecca, Bartu Suer, Azaria Shams and Caitlin Turner
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