An improv comedy event where Toronto’s top comedians turn your holiday stories into unscripted hilarity. Happening on Christmas Eve Eve Eve, this one-night-only show celebrates all holidays with no script, no plan, and endless surprises.
It’s the most unpredictable time of the year.
For one night only, some of Toronto’s sharpest and funniest improv comedians take the stage to create a fully improvised holiday show inspired by your holiday stories. Big family blowouts, awkward work parties, gift mix-ups — no tradition is too weird, no memory too embarrassing. Share your story, and watch it get reimagined in real time.
This isn’t just a Christmas show. It’s a holiday free-for-all where every celebration is fair game. … view more »
It’s the most unpredictable time of the year.
For one night only, some of Toronto’s sharpest and funniest improv comedians take the stage to create a fully improvised holiday show inspired by your holiday stories. Big family blowouts, awkward work parties, gift mix-ups — no tradition is too weird, no memory too embarrassing. Share your story, and watch it get reimagined in real time.
This isn’t just a Christmas show. It’s a holiday free-for-all where every celebration is fair game. And since it’s happening on Christmas Eve Eve Eve, you’ve got no excuses. Come for the laughs, stay for the chaos, and see a one-of-a-kind show that can only happen once.
No script. No plan. No replays. Just top-tier improv from the best in the city.
Tickets are $10 via Eventbrite, with a limited number of 2-for-1 tickets available while supplies last. Buy early to snag the deal before it’s gone.
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