Make Up! The Musical is a musical comedy show that’s completely, well, made up! Using suggestions from the audience, we come up with a whole one hour musical with improvised characters, plots, places, and, of course, music.
Starring the award winning troupe Staccayto Staccato (pronounced like “To-may-to To-mah-to”) a Toronto-based musical comedy troupe featuring performers from the schools and stages of Bad Dog Theatre, Comedy Bar, Second City, and more! Their high-energy blend of humour and music earned them the prestigious “Big Buzz” award at the Guelph Fringe Festival 2024 with their show “Make Up! The Musical”, and they’re bringing it to the Assembly Theatre! Get ready for tunes, feels, and laughs!
Starring the award winning troupe Staccayto Staccato (pronounced like “To-may-to To-mah-to”) a Toronto-based musical comedy troupe featuring performers from the schools and stages of Bad Dog Theatre, Comedy Bar, Second City, and more! Their high-energy blend of humour and music earned them the prestigious “Big Buzz” award at the Guelph Fringe Festival 2024 with their show “Make Up! The Musical”, and they’re bringing it to the Assembly Theatre! Get ready for tunes, feels, and laughs!
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