The Second City Toronto presents a hilarious, unhinged expedition into life’s greatest catastrophes from destination weddings to those mysterious Tupperwaretm lids that don’t fit anything to Ontario’s education system. This sparkling six-person ensemble gasses up the EV to take you on a wild road trip through passive-aggressive job interviews, Law & Order Toronto, and what really happens on boys’ night. Join us for an immersive night of laughter, song, and a reminder that it’s … view more »
The Second City Toronto presents a hilarious, unhinged expedition into life’s greatest catastrophes from destination weddings to those mysterious Tupperwaretm lids that don’t fit anything to Ontario’s education system. This sparkling six-person ensemble gasses up the EV to take you on a wild road trip through passive-aggressive job interviews, Law & Order Toronto, and what really happens on boys’ night. Join us for an immersive night of laughter, song, and a reminder that it’s perfectly okay to be all messed up with nowhere to go.
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