Mukashi, Mukashi explores two iconic fairy tale characters from Western and Japanese folklore: The Wolf, from Little Red Riding Hood and the Crane, from The Gratitude of the Crane. Their unlikely meeting in this production sets the stage for a conflictual then harmonious relationship that blossoms through a transformative journey. The stage work uses traditional and contemporary Japanese art forms (Origami, Kyōgen, Bunraku, Manga), mixed with Western practices old and new including pantomime … view more »
Mukashi, Mukashi explores two iconic fairy tale characters from Western and Japanese folklore: The Wolf, from Little Red Riding Hood and the Crane, from The Gratitude of the Crane. Their unlikely meeting in this production sets the stage for a conflictual then harmonious relationship that blossoms through a transformative journey. The stage work uses traditional and contemporary Japanese art forms (Origami, Kyōgen, Bunraku, Manga), mixed with Western practices old and new including pantomime and the comedy traditions of Looney Tunes cartoons and TV talk shows.
Like all of CORPUS’ work, Mukashi, Mukashi will speak to children and adults alike. It introduces the poetic and intriguing world of Japanese folk tales and blends it with the dark and comedic undertones of western fairytales, all with a CORPUS twist and cross-cultural sensibility.
The North American premiere of Mukashi, Mukashi will be performed by Sakura Korin, Kohey Nakadachi, Takako Segawa, and Kaitlin Torrance. Lighting and set design is by Yann Becker, costume design by Atsuko Kiyokawa, music composition and sound design by Anika Johnson, choreography by David Danzon and Matt O’Connor, and dramaturgy and graphic design by Carolin Lindner.
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