Toronto-based comedian Vivek Srikanthan is proud to present One Man, No City, a solo, one night only sketch comedy revue directed by Dave Barclay, on Saturday, November 2 at Native Earth’s Aki Studio. Take the one-sided conversations of Bob Newhart, the high energy stupidity of Key & Peele characters, run them through the grinder of growing up in Regent Park and you’ve got One Man, No City.
Vivek Srikanthan is an astronaut! Well… not really. But he might as well be in the cold, isolation … view more »
Toronto-based comedian Vivek Srikanthan is proud to present One Man, No City, a solo, one night only sketch comedy revue directed by Dave Barclay, on Saturday, November 2 at Native Earth’s Aki Studio. Take the one-sided conversations of Bob Newhart, the high energy stupidity of Key & Peele characters, run them through the grinder of growing up in Regent Park and you’ve got One Man, No City.
Vivek Srikanthan is an astronaut! Well… not really. But he might as well be in the cold, isolation of the cosmos as he can’t seem to connect to his friends, family, or (theoretical) lovers. Audiences will join him as he comedically and painfully pulls apart his life, history, relationships, ethnicity, and family while struggling to understand himself in this meta-fictional, idiotic, self-deprecating, and ambitious solo sketch comedy revue.
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