Pulp Comedy is a monthly comedy showcase show at Comedy Bar. Every month Pulp Comedy brings some of the best comedians from around Canada to Comedy Bar.
This Month Pulp Comedy has a very special headliner, all the way from Kelowna, British Columbia, Alex. Miller! Alex is a hilarious comic from Kelowna BC, he is known for his sharp wit and infectious humour. Having performed at some of the top comedy clubs in the country (Yuk Yuk’s, Comedy Bar, etc…) and historic venues around the world … view more »
Pulp Comedy is a monthly comedy showcase show at Comedy Bar. Every month Pulp Comedy brings some of the best comedians from around Canada to Comedy Bar.
This Month Pulp Comedy has a very special headliner, all the way from Kelowna, British Columbia, Alex. Miller! Alex is a hilarious comic from Kelowna BC, he is known for his sharp wit and infectious humour. Having performed at some of the top comedy clubs in the country (Yuk Yuk’s, Comedy Bar, etc…) and historic venues around the world (The Comedy Clubhouse Barcelona, The Waverley Bar Edinburgh, etc…), Alex’s fresh approach is winning him fans everywhere he goes. Alex’s hilarious takes on fatherhood and married life, peppered with dark observations and just over-the-line quips, have made him the “cool dad” and a must see.
As always the show is hosted and presented by Etay Kuperman (Yuk-Yuk’s rising star, Life Sucks Let’s Tour Comedy Tour)
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