“Ramzan and Janat” is a modern Urdu adaptation of William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet,” transformed into a comedy by the world-renowned artist,playwright and author Mr. Inam M. Inamullah. Directed by Dr. Farzana Bharmal, the play was first performed in Atlanta in February 2024, where it was attended by 500 guests and received high praise from the audience.
Following its successful debut, the play is now set to embark on a USA tour in October and November 2024, as part of a … view more »
“Ramzan and Janat” is a modern Urdu adaptation of William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet,” transformed into a comedy by the world-renowned artist,playwright and author Mr. Inam M. Inamullah. Directed by Dr. Farzana Bharmal, the play was first performed in Atlanta in February 2024, where it was attended by 500 guests and received high praise from the audience.
Following its successful debut, the play is now set to embark on a USA tour in October and November 2024, as part of a fundraising event for Koohi Goth Women’s Hospital (KGWH). All proceeds from the event will be donated to the hospital, supporting its vital work.
All the cast and crew members are volunteers.
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