Abigail Whitney Productions presents The Noose, a Haitian theatrical masterpiece having its Canadian premiere in Toronto, produced and directed by award-winning director Abigail Whitney,
“The Noose” was originally written in Haitian Creole as “Pèlentèt” (meaning “head trap”) by Haitian writer Frankétienne, a Nobel Prize nominee widely considered Haiti’s greatest living writer.
Originally published and performed in Haitian Creole in 1978, “Pèlentèt” was an immediate success. To this day, it … view more »
Abigail Whitney Productions presents The Noose, a Haitian theatrical masterpiece having its Canadian premiere in Toronto, produced and directed by award-winning director Abigail Whitney,
“The Noose” was originally written in Haitian Creole as “Pèlentèt” (meaning “head trap”) by Haitian writer Frankétienne, a Nobel Prize nominee widely considered Haiti’s greatest living writer.
Originally published and performed in Haitian Creole in 1978, “Pèlentèt” was an immediate success. To this day, it remains arguably the most popular, critically acclaimed dramatic work in the Haitian Creole language and is a canonical work in Haitian theatre, still periodically staged in Haiti.
The play was translated into English as The Noose by Dr. Asselin Charles, with dramaturgy support by Rosena Joseph.
The Noose is having its Canadian premiere this October 16-26th for 6 shows only at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre as part of the 17th Toronto Fringe’s boutique, curated performance festival, The Next Stage Festival.
Nearly 50 years since its original publication and premiere performance in 1978, and 27 years after “The Noose’s” English premiere in New York City, the play is having its revival right here in Toronto! Now, for the first time in Canada at The Next Stage Festival!
Tickets go live this September 18th on the Toronto Fringe’s website. You don’t want to miss it!
Haitians of Toronto
Edmond Clark as Polydor
Louco St. Fleur as Pyram
Amanda Sampaio: Production Manager & Technical Director
Amanda Caliolo: Stage Manager
Chris James: Fight Choreographer
Movement Consultant: Emilie “Zila” Jabouin
Matthew Hall: Set Designer
Kalina Popova: Assistant Set Designer & Costume Designer
Alana Raymond: Sound Designer
Za Hughes: Lighting Designer
Trinity Llyod: Social Media Manager
Shih Liu: Photographer
Celeste Russow: Makeup Artist
Ana Monte: Videographer and Editor
Paulus Keijser: Videographer and Editor
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