The spine of The Pool might be found in the following instructions:
“Don’t hide. Don’t lie.”
What might dancing have to do with telling the truth? What kinds of freedoms are available to us in community? And what kinds of pleasures?
The Pool, fundamentally, is a work about the power, patterns and poetry of being together. And though being-together may be the material of any group dance work, The Pool takes very seriously what those terms of togetherness are and could be.
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The spine of The Pool might be found in the following instructions:
“Don’t hide. Don’t lie.”
What might dancing have to do with telling the truth? What kinds of freedoms are available to us in community? And what kinds of pleasures?
The Pool, fundamentally, is a work about the power, patterns and poetry of being together. And though being-together may be the material of any group dance work, The Pool takes very seriously what those terms of togetherness are and could be.
The Pool documents a commitment not to betray our hearts, with the understanding that the heart is both collective field and personal compass.
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