Experience a thought-provoking, genre-defying exploration of resistance, survival, and the human spirit in Erased. Theatre Passe Muraille, in partnership with Open Heart Surgery Theatre, proudly presents the world premiere of Erased, a bold and imaginative new play by Coleen Shirin MacPherson. Erased invites audiences into a surreal post-climate collapse world inside a greeting card factory, where workers are pushed to their limits and forced to meet quotas while creating absurd cards under the … view more »
Experience a thought-provoking, genre-defying exploration of resistance, survival, and the human spirit in Erased. Theatre Passe Muraille, in partnership with Open Heart Surgery Theatre, proudly presents the world premiere of Erased, a bold and imaginative new play by Coleen Shirin MacPherson. Erased invites audiences into a surreal post-climate collapse world inside a greeting card factory, where workers are pushed to their limits and forced to meet quotas while creating absurd cards under the control of machinery that defines and erases them.
Ticket Information:
Tickets are available at Theatre Passe Muraille’s Box Office and online. Tickets range from $15 to $65, with pay-what-you-can-afford pricing. For questions regarding themes, suggested audience age, or accessibility, contact 416.504.7529 or email [email protected].
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